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The Full Story


I have always been fascinated by the natural world and its energy.  As a child I traveled with my family on vacation by air to distant places.  As an adult and a geographer for the federal government, I witnessed unethical practices and decided to blow the whistle.  Unfortunately I experienced retaliation and trauma.  I researched the origin and found hidden truths.  This experience led me to pivot toward energy and frequency healing for myself.  I unlocked the hidden compartments in my brain.  Now as an energy and frequency healer, I use my knowledge and intuition to help others tap into their own energy, heal and find balance in their lives.   



Bonny Berkner was first introduced to Reiki in 2005 when she was a volunteer in the Peace Corps in Paraguay.  Upon hearing the news that her father was not going to recover from his cancer, a Paraguayan offered to perform a Reiki treatment on her, and she accepted. 



In 2007 while Bonny was taking her Yoga Teacher Certification class with T.R.Y.4Life in Cleveland, Ohio, she was again introduced to Reiki I.  At a time when she decided to commit to learning the technique more deeply in 2015 Bonny studied Reiki I and II at Ursuline Academy under Nancy Herrick where afterwards she volunteered at the Reiki Clinic giving Reiki treatments. 



Originally Bonny was a professional federal government employee in the DC metro area until she whistleblew and subsequently lost her position.  She spent years with one foot in the arena of trying to prove her case and the other foot in the arena of healing herself.  After the employment case wrapped up and they 'got away' with it, they repeated the situation in her friend's workplace and framed her.  This time they added criminal charges.  Once again she found herself in a legal situation.  



Throughout this time period Bonny began undertaking various spiritual studies, which differ from religion, in that any study which focused on taking personal responsibility was the appropriate path for her.  While Yoga Teacher Training in 2007 was the beginning, she continued her studies with Lowell K Smith from the Unity Church in Fairfax, VA, and attended his Indigo Support Group and Search for God Group, which was based on the teachings of Edgar Cayce.  



Upon returning to Cleveland, Ohio, in 2011 Bonny became a student of Tony Senf and attended his "A Course in Miracles" study groups.  One student of the course was Ted Henry from News Channel 5 whom Bonny met once and learned that he was also a Return Peace Corps Volunteer from Paraguay.  Bonny also continued her studies in "A Course in Miracles" with Mary Anne Burrows at the Unity Church in Westlake, Ohio, for a number of years. 


Eventually in 2013 Bonny transitioned to learning about metaphysical topics and was personally invited to attend a closed women's group by Debi Fellows at Spirals of Spirit in Painesville, Ohio.  Having always been drawn to angels Bonny also began studying in 2016 "The Seven Sacred Flames" and Diamond Light Reiki with Candie Mia and Ledian Toska in Rocky River, Ohio. 



During this time Bonny also briefly studied Marshall's "Compassionate Communication" at River's Edge in Rocky River.  Years later in 2020 Bonny resumed this study with Oren Jay Sofer and continues to study with him to the present day.  To supplement her work with Oren she participated in the Compassionate Communication Center (CCC) of Ohio's empathy calls in 2020.  In addition to practicing Compassionate Communication throughout 2020 and 2021 Bonny began studying HeartMath with Integro in Columbus, Ohio, as well.  


Through the CCC Bonny was guided to a book study of Sarah Peyton's work on "Resonance" with other members of the CCC.  Other interests of hers are learning about her Enneagram style "Adaptive Peacemaker," being a SiriusJoy-ner by listening to Christopher Witecki's daily pep talks, and astro traveling while listening to the Saturday call of  Eventually Bonny also included studies with the "Angel of Abundance Ascension Academy" with Jennifer Ruth Russell into her schedule.  



Throughout 2020 Bonny was on the Keto diet and lost weight.  In late 2020 Bonny used her stimulus money at Restore Hyper Wellness to remove an inch or so around her waist and firm up her arms.  This cryo-slimming technique was intended to treat just a couple stubborn areas and boost her self confidence.  She ended up with a "brick" in her stomach and ballooned in size over the next six months.  It was not until 2022 when she tried for one month that she was finally able to do a forward bend again.  



Owning your truth is important.  It is not acceptable to be with people who gaslight, stonewall, and lie to flip the situation.  As a sexual assault and rape survivor, personally from multiple occasions, Bonny knows that feelings that result from trauma and sexual assault are not mediated by merely changing your thoughts.  Today we know, per Bessel van der Kolk, that trauma changes your physiology.  It is not thoughts that change but your cells that change. 



Yoga is helpful to physically release that energy.  As biological beings, carbon beings, and energy beings, if someone violates and assaults another, energy is dumped into that person.  It is negative destructive violent energy that has poured into the victim.  Furthermore it is also taking something from someone, such as, their innocence and some energy away, which leaves the victim as powerless.  Therefore healing is about empowering the person.  This space is about healing trauma and meeting the need for validation and uncompromising love.  



Bonny has taken the following quote from William Lee Rand of the International Center of Reiki training to heart when he says: "While Reiki energy comes to us as a gift, in order to gain its full benefit, one must take responsibility for one's healing and self-improvement.  This means that one must be willing with the help of Reiki, to learn the lessons that one's problems and/or illnesses have to offer, have the willingness to grow, and be dedicated to one's life purpose.  A change in one's habits, attitudes, and often one's beliefs are necessary if lasting benefits are to come."   



Mantra:  "Stand In Your Own Light and Speak Your Truth."

Favorite Prayer:  Prayer of St. Francis

Favorite Movies: "What Dreams May Come" with Robin Williams and "Cinderella"

Favorite Songs: "Long Time Sun" and "By Thy Grace" by Snatam Kaur; "Gayatri Mantra" by Deva Primal; "Good Guys Win" and "Here We Are" by Jimmy Buffett

Favorite Authors: Wayne Dyer, Anyone from Hay House, and Aurelia Louise Jones for "The Seven Sacred Flames"

Favorite Painters: Josephine Wall and Jorge Von Horoch

Favorite Actor:  Hallmark's Lacey Chabert

Favorite Comedian:  Jay Leno

Favorite Couple:  Prince William and Kate Middleton

Favorite Radio Station:  Sirius XM's "Margaritaville"




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