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Framed and Legal Vlogs:  Lawyers and Police

Rob and Bonny were introduced as children through a third party.  This third party are spies as part of a shadow government.  Sheila Danker has been a part of this shadow government for at least nine years before marrying Rob.  Danker is manipulative and has been harassing Bonny for thirty years now.  Danker framed Bonny with the Browns.  Lawyers and witnesses have been compromised.  Please be a witness in stopping Danker and this shadow government. 


Parents' Estate and US Census Bureau

The purpose of this vlog is to break the silence.  It is silence and secrets that allow this situation to continue.  Mark Sutula repeatedly told me that my sisters "knew" and were treating me poorly.  Why would McNamara in Uniontown, Ohio, not arrange for mediation when I requested that with my sisters?  ...  Who paid for the Census lawsuit? 


Berea Case

For whom does attorney David Brown work?  His clients or the court officials?  The legal system is broken and does not work as intended.  The Berea Court officials, court advocate and probation, are corrupt and manipulate the legal system.  


Berea Case and 2018 Hearings

I had been communicating with several lawyers in 2018.  Stacia arrested me for an alleged probation violation.  When in jail Stacia told my attorney that I hired someone else when I had not.  All lawyers conveniently would not assist.  IMO this was all coordinated by those who framed me.  


2018 Lawyers

Carlin, Biggerman, and Starke all said that the charges against me in Berea were bogus.  Stacia gave me a glowing review in 2017.  When Brown told Stacia that I did not like her (why would Brown do that anyway?), Stacia became a nightmare in my life.  Carlin said that Stacia was obsessed with Rob and the case. 


2019 Lawyers and County Case and Browns

There is something very seriously wrong with the legal community in Cleveland and Maryland.  There is something very seriously wrong with the community in Cleveland. 


Berea Court Advocate:  Barb Joyce

Liar!  Corrupt!  Makes False Police Reports!  Purposely Frames Others for Crimes They Did NOT Commit!  Withholds contact information she was demanded to turn over by a councilman.  Shows personal texts from another client to me while laughing at said client who did not know how to plea. ...  IF Rob did not want to talk with me, I still needed to get the harassment stopped and requested help from the court advocate.  The court advocate eliminated all reference to my harassers as if they didn't exist (when she was talking with them) and attributed all false statements she created about Danker and Rob to me.  


Berea Court Advocate:  Barb Joyce:  Part II  ...  Coming Soon 

Coming Soon ...





Berea Probation Officer:  Stacia Bellini and Brook Park Police:  Det. Duncan

Bellini said to find another counselor.  Yet, I was working with a well-respected professor from CSU. Why?  You can not control him?  Duncan said: "Forget Rob."  Carlos Huerta said: "Fight for Rob.  It is a worthy goal for you. And I am a fighter."  Duncan mirrored Casper jumping up with handcuffs in my arrest.  Bellini angrily told me that I was not allowed to have any information on the Berea case.  Why?  Because it is all lies?  Bellini thinks that my home security system is a threat to the Chudzinskis. How?   For my safety Baltimore Police told me to use "burner phones."


2018 House Search

I had been making police reports without receiving any assistance from the police.  Others pick up the phone and call my police and the police respond to them.  Why? ... Possible retaliation for filing a Beachwood Police report the month prior?  Possible retaliation for sending Carlos specific problems with local police the day prior?  And today there is no resolution with local police.  ... I am a battered woman and the police are my abusers!


Magistrate Greene and Judge Comstock

Did Comstock know the details of the case, was he senile, or was he purposely flipping case facts? ...  Greene said I should go to the county jail for one whole year if I did not accept responsibility for something I did not do?  Why did Brown not stick up for me?  Why did Greene even say this when I specifically met with Brown prior to the hearing to discuss speaking to what I did not do, especially concerning what was happening at the library workplace. ... Berea Court officials can not be trusted.  Too much corruption. 



Berea Police:  Det. Gute  ...  Coming Soon ...

Coming Soon ...





Cleveland FBI:  Steven Secor and Lisa Hack  ...  Coming Soon

Coming Soon ...




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